Vadodara Mayor, Keyur Rokadia, has issued stern warnings to city cow keepers, advising them to keep their animals indoors or risk VMC and police action. This is in light of a recent incident in which a woman was hit by a cow, and required stitches on her head. A case has been filed under IPC 308, an attempt to commit culpable homicide. On December 3rd, Jagruti Pathak, a housewife and the Vice-President of VMC Ward 11, was on her way home from the Ward Office, when a herd of cows knocked her down. As she reached the Ghadiyal Circle, a herd of cows charged towards her from the Swaminarayan temple side. She was struck by one of the large-horned cows, who knocked her to the ground and injured her. She was brought to the hospital and had her head stitched. A police report has been filed with the Gotri police station. Mayor Keyur Rokadia, who h