On Friday, a narrative that began on August 21st, 2021, at Sayaji Hospital in Vadodara came to a happy conclusion. Sayaji Hospital departments such as gynecology and pediatrics have played a critical role in the humanitarian endeavor of reuniting a newborn daughter with her mother; this was made possible jointly by the contribution of 108 services. On August 21st, 108 ambulances discovered a pregnant woman in a poor situation near the Akota Bridge. Immediately rushed to the maternity unit, where she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The newborn baby was admitted to a pediatric unit, while the mother was admitted to another ward, due to her weak mental state at that moment. Sister Bhanubahen Ghiwala, the in-charge, stated that the Sakhi One-Stop Center at Sayaji Hospital was contacted for assistance in the rehabilitation of the family. The woman was from Chhattisgarh, however, h