Vadodara: Police found liquor hidden inside a pit at Sherkhi village Due to the forthcoming Panchayat elections, police in the Vadodara district are conducting a particular effort to uproot prohibition cases. Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), was discovered buried inside the ground in Sherkhi village by Vadodara Taluka police as part of the operation. For the sake of protecting the liquor, the accused maintained a teenager at the site. The liquor got seized, and the three got charged under several sections of the law. According to reports, the Vadodara Taluka Police obtained information about Sherkhi residents Mafatbhai Mali, Vijay Mali, and Sanjay Mali hiding IMFL within a pit, during patrolling on December 12th. The team stormed the location based on this information and discovered one child who was retained by the accused to