On Sunday, the Vadodara district will hold the general election for 260 Gram Panchayats and a by-election for 2 Gram Panchayats; there will be 576 polling stations and 4,28,602 voters in the Gram Panchayat elections. The schedule for the general and by-elections of Gram Panchayats have been released by the State Election Commission. The District Electoral System has finished all the preparations for the Gram Panchayat elections. In the district, 27 Gram Panchayats have got designated as Samaras. In the district, 849 candidates are contesting for Sarpanch, and 3,656 candidates contesting for board members, according to the election map. Total 4,28,602 voters, including 2,21,222 male and 2,07,379 female voters, will vote at 576 polling stations in the general election of Gram Panchayat in the Vadodara