The SHE Team in Vadodara is conducting a massive sweep around the city to apprehend who is eve-teasing and making obscene gestures to women passing by near schools, bus stops, and hostels. Following an operation by the SHE Team members, the team apprehended roughly five such suspects and sent a clear and powerful message to them. On the 16th of December, the SHE Team arrested two individuals for eve-teasing at Vitcos bus stop near MSU while patrolling. WPC Pooja Babulal and WLRD Jagruti Bharatbhai, set up as civilians, caught Anil Jingar and Jafarali Khan making obscene gestures toward passing girls. Both were charged under the GP Act 110,117. In Vadodara, a massive operation was launched to safeguard the safety and security of women. Teasing, chasing, making obscene comments, gestures, playing obscene songs, flirting with ladies and girls are all things that police keep an eye