The Vadodara crime branch apprehended a 12-year-on-the-run narcotics criminal who had jumped parole in 2009. He was hiding in various locations in Mumbai to avoid arrest, and after receiving a vital intelligence report, the police apprehended him in Bhavnagar. He was transferred to the Vadodara Central Jail to complete his sentence. The Narcotics Bureau of Ahmedabad discovered 372 kilograms of charas in a godown in Darda Nagar Haveli in 2002. Bankim Shah, a Mumbai resident, owns the godown. A case got filed against Shah, and the special Sessions Court in Dadra Nagar Haveli sentenced him to 14 years in prison and a fine of Rs. 2 lakh. He was transferred to Vadodara Central Jail in 2005 and has been there since. Bankim Shah wa