Jaladhi Parmar, a third-grade student at Anand Vidya Vihar, brought honor to her school and the state of Gujarat by winning the 59th National Roller Skating Championship. Jaladhi won one gold, one silver medal and secured the top overall ranking in India. She earned a spot in the 59th National Roller Skating Championship by winning two silver and one bronze medals at the 41st Gujarat State Roller Skating Championship in 2021. The Roller Skating Federation of India hosted the 59th Roller Skating Championship in Delhi, where the best skaters from throughout the country gathered to demonstrate their prowess in the sport. Jaladhi has worked hard throughout her career to qualify for this tournament, and her efforts were not in vain as she was able to bring home the award. Her hard work, dedication, and passion eventually paid off as she skated her way to the top of the national rankings in her age category. RSFI has overseen 59 National Championships across all age groups and sports to d