The duo uploaded a phone number on the website for the purpose of online shopping and duped Rs. 5.35 lakh from 40 people. The city crime branch has nabbed the duo from Anand and Valsad. According to the information received, Dhawal Patel, a resident of Shree Balaji Skyrise Residency in Atladara, Vadodara, works as a lead engineer in a Bangalore-based IT company. He has been working from home for the last two years due to the pandemic. On January 8, his wife received a call from an unknown number saying that they have created a website for online shopping called "" and they have uploaded a product on this website. The husband had written his wife's mobile number on the website for the product. She was receiving calls from an unknown number asking why they haven’t received the product even after pre-payment on the website. The accused used his wife’s number to use it for the fraud website.