In the first nine months of operation of over bridge rooftop solar power plant on Akota-Dandia market pool in Vadodara city in the whole of Gujarat, Rs. 50 lakh clean electricity will get generated. Solar panels have generated a total of 7,92,000 units of energy during these nine months at Akota Bridge, which looks attractive due to its structural design and lighting. For this unique project implemented by Vadodara Municipal Corporation last May, the civil work of 11,200 square feet with a length of 252 meters and a width of 40 meters, and an eight of 15.33 meters cost a total of Rs.23.25 crore. Decorative color lighting has been installed under the rooftop solar to illuminate the bridge at night. A total of 3024 solar panels of 325-watt power got placed over the Akota Bridge, accompanied by 14 solar inverters of 70 kW and a power transformer with a capacity of 1000