Riddhi Kadam, a triathlete from Vadodara, has achieved a successful and promising achievement. She has been selected for trial-camp by the Indian Triathlon Federation in the triathlon event for the upcoming XXII Commonwealth Games, Birmingham, and XIX Asian Games, Hangzhou. Ridhi won a silver medal at the National Tournament at Dhanushkoti in October this year after the pandemic. She also won two bronze medals in the national level tournament organized by the Indian Triathlon Federation (ITF) in the year 2021. Riddhi has achieved this position by proving his ability by overcoming every challenge. To qualify for the XXII Commonwealth Games and the XIX Asian Games, she will be taking part in a series of selection trials in February and April. She is undergoing coaching under Sports Authority of Gujarat district coach Krishna Pandya, Vivek Singh Boralia, and trainers Bipin Kumar and Subodh Kumar at Sama Sports Complex. Senior Coach of Vadodara District Sports Training Center Jayesh Bha