The verdict in the 2008 serial blast case in Ahmedabad has been announced. The court found 49 of the 78 accused guilty under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA). The court has decided to sentence all the convicts at 10.30 am tomorrow. The convicts will be produced in court on February 9 at 10.30 am. All have been convicted under sections 302 and 120. The accused were present today through a video conference. The accused who helped in the investigation have been released. Under section 302 the accused will be punished for life imprisonment or the death penalty. Sector-1 JCP RV Asari, who was part of the probe team in the 2008 serial blast case in Ahmedabad, said the probe teams worked hard under the leadership and guidance of Ashish Bhatia and Abhay Chudasama, who has a very strong netw