The registration for Khel Mahakumbh has been started from 18th February 2022 in the 'Curtain Raiser' event. Khel Mahakumbh has become a pillar not only for sports talent search but also for the development of sports in the whole of Gujarat. Khel Mahakumbh has given a prominent identity to the sports policy of the state. He had clearly stated that Khel Maha Kumbh would be held this year keeping in view the situation of COVID-19.
The Chief Minister added that the mantra of 'Ramshe Gujarat-Jitse Gujarat' is now echoing in the minds of all the young and old in Gujarat. He further said that this is the playground is the foundation of childhood. The infrastructure is built in such a way that even the Olympics can be arranged. With an excellent, human resources system, it is facilitated for the participants who are willing to take their passion to the peak.
Author-Dr.Aishwarya Nair