The Sursagar lake named after Shri Sureshwar Desai, who built the lake is located in heart of the old city of Vadodara. Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has installed a very beautiful and tall statue of Lord Shiva in the centre of the lake in 1996. But this Mahashivratri, people will witness this 111 feet tall statue with gold . It will be the first 111-foot gold-painted statue in the country. Along with the renovation of the lake, the statue will also be renovated, and by Mahashivratri of 2023 people will witness a full gold-painted statue, making it a more glorified and beautiful landmark. The information was provided by Satyam Shivam Sundaram Samiti Chairman and MLA Yogesh Patel who has been actively participating in the renovation of the statue. Like every year, this year, the grand procession of Shivji Ki Savari and Mahaarti will take place where the CM of Gujarat will participate in the vicinity of Shivaji at Surasagar. Ever since the statue was built, maintenance is