Recently, three young women, including two Bangladeshis, were caught traveling in a suspicious condition on the Howrah-Ahmedabad Express with fake Aadhaar cards. The man who brought the girls from West Bengal to Vadodara was nabbed by the Vadodara police. According to the Railway Police, on March 11, RPF jawans interrogated three young women on the Howrah-Ahmedabad Express train at Surat station as they looked suspicious. "We are from Bangladesh," they said. The two young women originally from Bangladesh were traveling in the Howrah-Ahmedabad Express train while traveling their Aadhaar cards were checked because of their different language, though they showed their ID proof. It was proved that the ID proofs were fake, further investigations were conducted. Investigating the matter, the two girls were handed over their Aadhaar cards by Nazmul Sheikh, a resident of West Bengal, and revealed that he had made bogus