The National Judicial Conference has been organized by the Gujarat High Court on April 9 and 10, 2022 at Ekta Nagar Tent City near the Statue of Unity under the guidance of the Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court Justice Arvind Kumar, and Judges of the High Court, President of India Ramnath Kovind, Governor of Gujarat Acharya Devvrat and Chief Justice of India N. V. Raman will be present at the opening of the conference. The session will be held on the topic of Mediation and Information Technology. CM Bhupendra Patel, Minister for Law and Justice of the Government of India Kiran Rijiju and Justice L. Nageshwar Rao, Justice S. Abdul Nazir, Justice MR Shah, Justice Vikram Nath, and Justice Bella Trivedi - Judges of the Supreme Court will also be present at this conference as special guests and they will enlighten the invited guests through their experience and ideas on various topics. The Minister for Law and Justice of Gujarat Rajendra Trivedi will also attend the inauguration functio