The CM of Gujarat Bhupendra Patel was accompanied by the H.E. Ms. Pattarat Hongtong Ambassador of the Kindom of Thailand presenting credentials to the President of India and the delegation held a courtesy call in Gandhinagar. During the meeting, she expressed Thailand's readiness to participate in the Global Center for Traditional Medicine (GCTM) to be set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of AYUSH in Jamnagar, Gujarat, and to exchange AYUSH-Ayurveda practices.
In this regard, the Ambassador of Thailand informed CM Bhupendra Patel that a hospital for the AYUSH system and Ayurveda treatment is also running in Thailand. Not only that, while Ayurveda product companies are also operating in Thailand, are also keen to take full advantage of this world-class center of Gujarat. She also discussed in this meeting the possibilities of partnership with Gujarat, especially in the fields of the pharmaceutical sector, renewable energy, tourism, and e-vehicle.
Author-Dr.Aishwarya Nair