Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smt. Smriti Irani was present at a special function of the Bharatiya Janata Party's statewide 'Suposhan Abhiyan' in the divine precincts of Chanchal Mata Mandir at Dholakuva in Gandhinagar. On this occasion, the 'Nutritious Child Food Kit' prepared by the state BJP for the purpose of feeding malnourished children was distributed to the beneficiaries at the hands of Union Minister Smriti Irani. Smriti Irani in her speech specifically mentioned that for the first time in the political history of the country, the party organization is taking care of the nutrition of thousands of children by adopting them by a political party; Also, this project is completely non-political as minor mistakes are not allowed to vote. Union Minister Smriti Irani paid homage to all the BJP functionaries, activists who have adopted the name of child nutrition and bowed their heads at their feet. On this occasion, he added in his address that the BJP workers are