The Unique Story of the Nursing Staff Sisters of the New Civil Hospital Performing Their Duties with Full Psychological, Social and Medical Dedication. Despite battling third-stage cancer for the last 12 years, Head Nurse Mina Parmar has been regularly on duty to care for patients. Despite having 99% physical paralysis in his 27-year-old son, Kalpana Vashi was on duty in both shifts at the time of Corona. At the time of Covid, Head Nurse Ranjana Chaudhary served the pediatric patients in the children's ICU ward as her own children. Nurses play a vital role in keeping patients healthy. The birthday of the world's first nurse Florence Nightingale - May 12 is celebrated around the world as International Nurses' Day. Head nurses Ranjana Chaudhary, Mina Parmar, and Kalpana Vashi, who have been on duty at the new civil hospital for years, have served thousands of patients and earned the affection of the patients. These nurses have set an excellent example of 'Jan Seva is the only service