This year is been celebrated as 'Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav' for the completion of 75 years of independence. PM Modi has launched a campaign, 'Harr Ghar Tiranga' for 75th Indian Independence Day where tricolour will be hoisted on each and every house, office, industry, or any organization (commercial or non-commercial) from 13th August 2022 to 15th August 2022. But before that, the central government has enforced the Flag Code of India-2002 for unfurling the National Flag, check them below:
- Tricolour can now be hoisted in public or private places during the day and night as well. Initially, the process was to flag down with a ceremony in the evening.
- It is mandatory to keep the national flag rectangular. The ratio of length and width has to be kept in multiples of 3 and 2.
- As per the National Flag Code, the tricolour should be hoisted at a vantage point on one single pole.
- The tricolour should be hoisted alone, if there are other flags, the he