The 36th National Games were inaugurated by Honourabe Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at a spellbinding Opening Ceremony here on Thursday evening, in the presence of over 1.25 lakh ecstatic spectators. The one-hour-long show, attended by a star-studded gathering that included Honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Bhupendrabhai Patel, Honourable Union Minister of Sports Shri Anurag Thakur and the country’s best athletes, was a perfect medley of tradition, modernity and entertainment. In keeping with Olympic convention, but with a modern twist, Gujarat’s swimming star Maana Patel brought in the symbolic Torch of Unity into the arena and handed it over to the Prime Minister. Watched and applauded by several current and past sports icons, including Neeraj Chopra, PV Sindhu, Ravi Dahiya, Mirabai Chanu, Gagan Narang, Dilip Tirkey and Anju Bobby George, the Prime Minister placed the Torch on the podium for it to be lit by augmented reality. When the PM rose to speak, a roar as loud