The village of Modhera in Gujarat’s Mehsana District, known for its famed Sun Temple, will now be declared India’s first solar-powered village by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This move stems from the ambitious solar power project in Modhera, which according to Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel “helps fulfill PM Modi’s vision of promoting clean energy”. According to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision, around 50 percent of India’s energy requirements are to be produced via renewable energy by the year 2030. On 9th October 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to declare Modhera as India’s first solar-powered village, as part of the state and Central government’s joint efforts, set at a whopping budget of 80.66 crore rs. As part of this event, he will also address the eco-tourism of Modhera. The village will receive solar power du