The departure time of the six trains will be changed Western Railway has changed the departure time of six trains passing through Vadodara station from 20 November 2022. According to Vadodara Division PRO Pradeep Sharma, the change is being made to replace diesel locomotives with electric locomotives and reduce the load of trains at Vadodara station. The train timings which will be changed are as follows. 1- Train No. 12959 Kochuveli – Bhavnagar Express from Vadodara station will depart at 04:30 from 24 November 2022. 2- Train number 19260 Bhavnagar-Kochuveli Express from Vadodara station will depart at 17:28 from 22 September 2022. 3- Train No. 12449 Madgaon – Chandigarh Express will depart from Vadodara station from 22 November 2022 at 01:26 hrs. 4- Train No. 12450 Chandigarh-Madgaon Express from Vadodara station will depart at 18:30 hrs from 21 November 2022. 5- Train No. 22963 Bandra Terminus - Bhavnagar Express from Vadodara station will depart at 22:16 hrs. from 21 Novembe