Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched India's first privately built rocket - Vikram-suborbital (VKS). The rocket was developed by Skyroot Aerospace, launch vehicle has been named so as a tribute to the father of the Indian Space programme, the late Vikram Sarabhai. The launch took place from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at around 11.30 am. The maiden mission of Skyroot Aerospace was named 'Prarambh' (the beginning) and carried payloads of two Indian and one foreign customer. Skyroot, a two-time national award winner, is the first start-up to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ISRO to launch a rocket into space. The Vikram-S rocket is a single-stage suborbital small satellite launch vehicle that stands six meters tall and has a mass of 545 kg. These rockets are among the few launch vehicles in the world which have their core structure built using carbon composites. The thrusters used for spin stability in the vehicle have been 3D printed. This mission consid