The BJP has upset many of its workers after releasing the list of candidates for the upcoming Gujarat Legislative Assembly Elections. Workers are upset because the BJP has denied tickets to 38 sitting legislators and is fielding new faces, including former Congress members and non-locals. Hardik Patel is one of the many names of Congress defectors who have received BJP tickets. Hardik Patel is an Indian politician and social activist. He notably came into light in July 2015, when he led the ‘Patidar reservation agitation’ which seeks status for OBC (Other Backward Class) in Patidar caste.Patidars makes up to around 18-19% of Gujarat’s population and clasps influence over 40 seats in the 182-members of state assembly. He was serving as ‘Working President’ of the ‘Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee’ the state unit of INC in Gujarat after joining ‘Indian National Congress’ in 2020. Being harsh critic, he left INC in May 2022 and eventually join ‘Bhartiya Janta Party’ in June 2022.