Panini was a Sanskrit grammatist, scholar and philologist, also considered as “first descriptive linguist” and even know as “the father of linguistics”. Panini is very famous for the comprehensive and scientific theory of phonetics, phonology and morphology. His text “Astadhyayi” which have been written around 500 BC, is the foundational text on rules of linguistics, syntax and semantics and grammar theories of Vedanga. Astadhyayi elaborates in detail around 4,000 rules of linguistics and other areas of language and it is meant to work like language machine. Revered “language machine” of Panini’s is considered to be one of the great intellectual achievements in the history. But there has been one great dilemma, where two or more of Panini’s rules can be applicable at the same step, leaving Sanskrit scholars indecisive on which one to choose. An certain type of algorithm is required to solve such “rule-conflicts”. Metarule of Panini is used in such “rule-conflict” issues to give us pro