The 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' has been taken up seriously by government and government-affiliated organizations. One more update in Vadodara is that the Airports Authority of India has approved the allotment of land measuring 50 acres to M/s TASL for setting up Final Assembly Line and MRO facility at Vadodara Airport for the land was allotted on 30th October, 2022.
The Government has been promoting and facilitating the manufacturing of aircraft, including a Regional Transport Aircraft, and associated equipment by public and private enterprises in India. Hindustan -228 (Upgraded) civil aircraft developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is a 19 seater turbo prop aircraft suitable for regional connectivity. HAL has also entered into MoU with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) for Design, Development and Certification of 19 seat Light Transport Aircraft - SARAS MKII and subsequent Product