Chandrashekhar Vyas of Vadodara set the record for 'MAXIMUM DISTANCE COVERED FROM WESTERNMOST TO EASTERNMOST POINT IN A CAR BY A QUADRAGENARIAN' on November 5, 2022. He was felicitated with the Medal and certificate by India Book of Adjudicator Neelima Rakesh Chhajed in a ceremony in Vadodara.
Viral Chandrashekhar Vyas started solo journey in his car from Guhar Moti, the westernmost point of India in Gujarat on 31st October 31 and finished at Kibithu, the easternmost point of India in Arunachal Pradesh on 5th November covering the distance of 4037 in 94 hours and 8 minutes.
A keen traveler Viral attempted this record due to his driving passion and success