The Ukraine crisis has impacted the supply of spare components for the Indian military, according to the Army Chief. The crisis in Ukraine, according to India's army commander, has damaged the availability of spare parts for the nation's army. General Manoj Pande spoke to the media about the border situation with China, something he termed as calm yet volatile. The two nations have been at odds in eastern Ladakh for about two and a half years. He noted that the nations were continuing to communicate at both the diplomatic and armed levels and that India's military was prepared. Experts think that up to 60% of India's military equipment is from Russia and New Delhi is entangled in a dispute with China over a territory issue. In 2020, 20 Indian troops and four Chinese soldiers were killed in a scuffle. India is battling to get one of their diesel-powered submarines back from Russia, which has been sanctioned for its incursion of Ukraine. India claims that China controls 38,000 square k