It has been more than 74 years since India gained its freedom, and joining the 2023 Republic Day Celebration are six of Parul University's NCC cadets who will be taking part in the parade in New Delhi. The grand event annually witnesses the attendance of thousands of proud citizens and government officials, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi As the nation takes pride in celebrating and embracing the growth and trajectory of India over the years, Parul University is also expressing its pride by having its NCC students having the honour of marching before the nation's Prime Minister. Over the last six months, the students underwent through rigorous training competing against other cadets in order to represent the Gujarat Directorate. The students include Cadet Saara Fatima who is a wing army in the youth programme and prime ministers rally, LCadet Sejal Yadav is in the youth exchange programme and best cadet competion, and L.Cadet Raviraj Singh Sisodiya is in the guard of honour. In