A resident of Chhani area in Vadodara has filed a case against National Highway Authority of India, a toll plaza at Hazira, Surat. The complainant named Dinesh was travelling from Songadh to Surat. His FASTag was not scanned at the toll plaza due to which created the case.
Ask for zero transaction receipt in case you are facing an issue with your FASTag instead of paying a penalty.
Dinesh argued that he could have been permitted to pass through the toll plaza with a zero transaction receipt, as per the G.S.R. 427[A] dt. 7-5-2018 issued by the NHAI and “The National Highway Fee Determination of Rates and Collection Amendment of Rules,2018." Meanwhile, the NHAI authorities argued that the vehicle on which the FASTag was registered was not functional, and hence the barrier did not budge, due to which the personnel had to intervene. They referred to circular 15-05-2020, which stated