The Sabarmati Riverfront Development Corporation Ltd (SRFDCL) has released a tender to restore a 'gaushala' or cow shelter, as part of the Rs 1,290 crore Gandhi Ashram Precinct Development Project in Ahmedabad, India. The gaushala is located beside the Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram and will be restored at an estimated cost of Rs 3.22 crore. The design for the restoration of the gaushala is based on a 1948 aerial picture of the Ashram when it covered 19 hectares. The restoration aims to bring back the traditional architecture of the gaushala while providing modern amenities for the cows. The project is expected to be completed within the next two years. The restored gaushala will feature open-air courtyards, a water treatment plant, and a biogas plant that will generate energy from cow dung. The open-air courtyards will provide a comfortable environment for the cows to graze and rest, while the water treatment plant will ensure that the cows have access to clean and safe water. The biogas p