Get ready for some electrifying performances at the Indian Premier League (IPL) opening ceremony! Bollywood sensations Arijit Singh and Tamannaah Bhatia will be setting the stage on fire with their hit songs on March 31, 2023. And that's not all - rumors suggest that big names like Katrina Kaif, Tiger Shroff, and Rashmika Mandanna may also join in the star-studded event. The event will be held right before the Gujarat Titans led by Vadodara's Hardik Pandya and the most famous, Chennai Super Kings led MS Dhoni match slated to start at 7:30 PM IST. Excited fans from around the world can catch the ceremony live on Star Sports 1, Star Sports 1 HD, Star Sports 1 Hindi, Star Sports 1 Tamil, Star Sports 1 Telugu, Star Sports 1 Kannada, and Jio Cinema. That's right, two different broadcasters will telecast the event for the first time since 2018. And, if you can't make it to the TV, you can stream it for free on the Jio Cinema website and application. The IPL is one of the most highly-antic