The Health Minister of Gujarat, Rishikesh Patel, took part in a mock drill at the Gandhinagar Civil Hospital to prepare for potential COVID-19 situations. During the drill, the Minister personally inspected all facilities, including oxygen plants, ventilators, bed availability, and medicine quantities. Any errors identified during the two-day mock drill will be immediately rectified. The drill will involve verifying arrangements at 9,231 sub-health centers, 1,475 primary health centers, 365 community health centers, government civil hospitals, and private hospitals across the state. The state has more than 1,03,000 beds available in government and private hospitals, with about 15,000 ICU beds and roughly 9,700 ventilator beds. There are also 10,899 oxygen concentrator machines and 476 pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants functioning in the state, serving patients. The state has 111 governmen