The Gujarat High Court has issued a notice to the State Government, Education Secretary, District Education Officer, and schools in response to 54 petitions filed by concerned parents in Vadodara regarding the admission issue to Standard-1. It has been reported that out of all the states in India, only Gujarat's three lakh children are suffering as they have been asked to repeat a year or take a drop due to certain circumstances. The Gujarat Government has seemingly ignored the fact that if a student repeats a year, they would be over 18.6 years of age after completing Standard-12. This makes them ineligible for admission into the National Defence Academy, as the cut-off age is 18.7 years. On the other hand, states such as Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu, Karnataka, and Kerala have taken a positive decision in the interest of children by providing relaxation in the age limit. Consequently, no student will be required to repeat a year. However, th