Social media giant Twitter has been renamed to X Corp, following Elon Musk's recent investment in the company. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO had earlier announced his vision for an "everything app," which would integrate several online services, including social media, e-commerce, and more. Musk's investment in Twitter came in the form of $2.06 billion, which has reportedly given him a 5% stake in the company. This move has fueled speculation that Twitter could be in talks with Musk to collaborate on his "everything app" vision. While Twitter's renaming to X Corp could be seen as a nod to Musk's SpaceX company, it's unclear how this change will affect the social media giant's operations and user experience. Twitter has been struggling with declining user growth and revenue in recent years, and it remains to be seen if Musk's investment and vision can help turn the company around. Meanwhile, Musk's "everything app" vision has been met with both excitement and skepticism. Some experts have