Vadodara's Nivedita Rakesh Kalambe, an aspiring athlete, has won the gold medal in the Gujarat State Powerlifting competition, organised by the Sports Authority of Gujarat in Ahmedabad. She also clinched the title of "Gujarat Strong Woman" in the all-round category. Her success has earned her a place to represent Gujarat in the National Powerlifting Championship in Jharkhand. Competing in the 47 kg sub-junior category, Nivedita emerged victorious in the state-level powerlifting competition held on 9th April in Ahmedabad. Her achievement has earned her a spot in the national powerlifting competition in June 2023, making her the sole representative from Gujarat in her category. Nivedita, a student of 11th standard, harbors the dream of making powerlifting her career and representing India in the Commonwealth Games. She has already displayed her prowess in weightlifting, having won the gold medal in the Indo-Nepal International Series 2022, in the Sub-Junior category of 43 kg. Notably,