Vadodara police have come to the aid of a student appearing for the TET-I exam held in the city. The student, Gayatri Valand, met with an accident while on her way to the exam centre, and the highway mobile patrolling van of the traffic department helped her reach the centre in time. She expressed her gratitude to the police team for their timely assistance. Valand, a resident of Derol station under Kalol Taluka, was traveling in a car when it collided with a trailer near Tarsali Bypass. The highway mobile patrolling van was on patrol at NH 48 and reached the accident site immediately. They checked on the situation and learned that Valand was heading to the TET-I exam. The team immediately helped her reach the exam centre at New Era school in Makarpura on time from the accident site. Valand heaved a sigh of relief after reaching the centre and thanked the police team for their help in need. The timely assistance of the Vadodara police enabled her to take the exam despite the accident