A popular tea stall in Vadodara has become the site of a unique art display, showcasing the talent and creativity of young children from the Bhasha research centre at Tejgadh. Over 50 works of art, made by children between the ages of 5 and 12, are on display at the Vishnu tea stall, thanks to the efforts of Umbaro, a group of students, artists and professionals. Umbaro's aim is to promote tribal art and keep traditional art forms alive, even in the modern era. The art on display tells the story of the inner feelings and observations of the children from Tejgadh, using terracotta mix clay modeling. Through this display, Umbaro hopes to connect with young people and art lovers, and promote the importance of preserving traditional art. Chinmay Vanawat, a member of Umbaro, notes that the tea stall is a popular destination for people from diverse backgrounds. By displaying traditional art in this public space, Umbaro hopes to connect with a wide audience and spark interest in these art f