Eleven-year-old twins, Yati and Yashvi Pandya, from Vadodara recently made a selfless gesture by donating part of their hair to help cancer patients. The sixth-grade students convinced their mother, Mital Pandya, to join them in this noble cause. Many college students and youngsters in the city have also joined the initiative, which is aimed at helping cancer patients live with dignity. Vadodara Hair Donation, a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Vadodara, is spearheading the collection of hair to create beautiful wigs for cancer patients. The NGO has been collecting hair for over one and a half years and has received good responses from donors who want to contribute to the cause. To date, the organization has collected hair from more than 100 donors and has helped cancer patients live with dignity. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy often experience hair loss and other complications, which can cause them to feel cut off from the rest of the world. Hair is an important part