A bicycle tour aimed at spreading awareness about the increasing damage caused by tobacco and its detrimental effects on people's lives concluded in Vadodara on Wednesday. The Cyclothon, organized by the Faith Foundation, was flagged off by Health Minister Rushikesh Patel and former Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel from Mehsana. The main objective of the cycle rally was to create awareness among the people, especially the youth, and motivate them to stay away from tobacco for a healthy life. As part of the month-long campaign against tobacco and in commemoration of 'World No Tobacco Day' 2023, a dedicated team of 15 cyclists and 40 volunteers embarked on a challenging journey covering a total distance of about 220 km from Mehsana district to Vadodara. Braving the scorching sun and heat, these cyclists and volunteers aimed to promote the World Health Organization's theme of "Say No to Tobacco" and raise awareness about the need for nutritious food over tobacco consumption. Sujan Sams