In a world where environmental issues have reached critical levels, individuals like Bansari Vora, a 17-year-old girl from Vadodara, is leading the charge to make a difference. With her unwavering commitment to sustainability, Bansari has taken it upon herself to transform her city into a greener, more environmentally conscious place. Her efforts extend beyond planting trees; she has also engaged underprivileged women from the Gotri area to make eco-friendly paper bags, reducing plastic usage and generating employment opportunities for them. Bansari's journey towards environmental activism began at a young age when she realized the importance of preserving the planet for future generations. Planting more than 10,000 saplings at dividers in her area and diligently watering them, Bansari's passion for saving the environment has grown alongside her. Her vision is to make Vadodara the greenest city of all, where lush green areas not only soothe the eyes but also generate oxygen. She tirel