Vadodara's multi-talented singer, actor, and radio jockey, Sonia Nihalani, has seamlessly transitioned into the role of a yoga instructor, touching lives with her teachings. Embarking on her yoga journey at the young age of 11, she has since dedicated herself to imparting essential life lessons to people of all ages. As a faculty member of the renowned Art of Living organization, Sonia conducts specialized courses for diverse groups, ranging from children to the elderly, pregnant women to drug addicts, and even inmates. Through asanas for stress-free living, she spreads the transformative power of yoga far and wide. Sonia Nihalani firmly believes that yoga is the key to balancing one's life. Witnessing the remarkable impact of yoga on inmates at Vadodara Central Jail, who gradually accepted and supported each other after just five days of practice, was a sight that deeply touched her. Yoga helped bridge the gaps, fostering connection