India, with its rich cultural heritage and historical marvels, boasts a vibrant tapestry of art forms that have stood the test of time. Among these treasures, fresco art holds a significant place, exemplifying the mastery of ancient techniques and the splendor of visual storytelling. However, as modernization takes center stage, the importance of preserving and revitalizing the legacy of fresco artists in India becomes increasingly crucial. This article delves into the significance of fresco art and highlights the need to support and nurture this unique artistic tradition. The Essence of Fresco Art: Fresco art is a technique dating back centuries, where pigments are applied directly onto wet plaster, allowing the colours to merge seamlessly into the wall surface. This ancient art form adorns countless historical structures worldwide, displaying intricate details, vivid colors, and captivating narratives. From the stunning frescoes of Ajanta and Ellora caves to the gra