"Manoj Rana's Modest Household Faces Unprecedented Electricity Bill, Questions Raised on GEB's Billing Accuracy" In a surprising turn of events, Manoj Rana, a resident of House 102 in F Tower near New Karelibaug Khodiyar Nagar, was left in shock after receiving a staggering electricity bill of ₹47,000 from the Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB). Despite having a modest salary ranging from ₹13,000 to ₹15,000 from his regular job in a private company, Manoj has been residing in Sharanam Happy Avenue for the past year without any extravagant appliances like an AC or even a doorbell, making the exorbitant bill raise eyebrows. The incident came to light when Manoj's concerned wife notified him about the jaw-dropping electricity bill while he was at work. Distressed and desperate to find answers, he rushed home to investigate the matter further. Subsequently, he immediately visited the Sardar Estate Ajwa Road GEB office seeking an explanation for the