"Seventh Day School's Rising Star Clinches Under 17 Girls Singles Title, Takes Third Spot in Under 15 Category" Ahmedabad witnessed an exhilarating display of badminton prowess as the much-awaited Ahmedabad School Premier Badminton League 2023 took place at the prestigious Eka Club. The event saw enthusiastic participation from students representing different schools in the city, and among the standout performers was the talented young athlete, Tanvi Vyas. Tanvi Vyas, a promising student from Seventh Day School, emerged as the undisputed champion in the Under 17 Girls Singles category. Displaying remarkable skill and determination, she outshined her opponents and clinched the final match in two impressive sets, defeating her formidable adversary, Soumya Sharma, to claim the title. But Tanvi's brilliance didn't stop there. In the Under 15 category, she continued to shine, securing a commendable third position, showcasing her versatility and talent on the bad