"A Glimpse into the Heroic Life and Sacrifice of a Teenage Revolutionary" In the stories of India's fight for independence, few names shine as brightly as Khudiram Bose's. His short yet impactful life serves as an enduring testament to the indomitable spirit of the Indian youth who selflessly fought against British colonial tyranny. Born on December 3, 1889, in the tranquil village of Habibpur in Bengal, Khudiram Bose's life took a radical turn as he became an emblem of courage, determination, and sacrifice. At a tender age, Khudiram Bose exhibited a remarkable fervor for his motherland's liberation. His journey towards becoming a revolutionary began at the youthful age of 15 when he joined a secret society known as Anushilan Samiti. This decision, fueled by his ardent desire for a free India, marked the inception of his fervent dedication to the nation's cause. The Alipore Bomb Case, an event that etched Khudiram Bose's name into the annals of history, rem