Hinduism places a specific emphasis on animals, and some species, such as the cow, snake, elephant, etc., are even worshipped. Ancient tales and the Vedas both describe them. These animals were utilised as ‘Vahan’ (Sanskrit for ‘vehicle’) by gods and goddesses. These mortals are revered in Hinduism for their dedication and skill, and they were typically deployed in times of conflict. Learning from the Fauna Animals, like humans, possess a wide range of skills. In several trips, Indian yogis and rishis found the skills that animals possessed. From them, they learned various asanas and pranayama, and through them, they learned diverse yogic gunas. Studying daily life a little bit will reveal that the gods and goddesses only created the animals and birds as their vehicles because they have abilities that they deemed worthy of acceptance. The braveness of a lion, calmness and patience of elephant, the purity of a swan, the wi