'Golmaal', the same word was used by a different director to convey a candid narrative decades before Rohit Shetty took over with his comic franchise Golmaal: Hrishikesh Mukherjee's Gol Maal, which debuted on April 20, 1979. Middle- Class Sustainability Gol Maal by Mukherjee was more than simply a fun movie. In the 1970s, it was a sharp commentary on the pressing issue of sustainability facing the middle class, while also being conscious of the times. While Salim-Javed composed angry dialogues for Amitabh Bachchan to strengthen the flames of the ‘Angry Young Man’, Mukherjee softly stretched the boundaries, making hilarious comments on topics like unemployment. Relevant Choices Amol Palekar, is
'Golmaal', the same word was used by a different director to convey a candid narrative decades before Rohit Shetty took over with his comic franchise Golmaal: Hrishikesh Mukherjee's Gol Maal, which debuted on April 20, 1979. Middle- Class Sustainability Gol Maal by Mukherjee was more than simply a fun movie. In the 1970s, it was a sharp commentary on the pressing issue of sustainability facing the middle class, while also being conscious of the times. While Salim-Javed composed angry dialogues for Amitabh Bachchan to strengthen the flames of the ‘Angry Young Man’, Mukherjee softly stretched the boundaries, making hilarious comments on topics like unemployment. Relevant Choices Amol Palekar, is
People have many negative opinions about education and its quality in government schools. But if you ask Nirali Rathwa, who studies in Eklavya Model Residential School of Waghodia and comes from the h...Read More
People have many negative opinions about education and its quality in government schools. But if you ask Nirali Rathwa, who studies in Eklavya Model Residential School of Waghodia and comes from the h...Read More