Scoop, a drama series created by Hansal Mehta begins with a black and white image of a crowded Mumbai train station. When a newspaper is purchased, a delighted grandfather of a female journalist notices his granddaughter's first by-line on page six. The main page is all that matters, she tugs him away in a jiffy. She further says that nobody really notices if you make even a spelling error on page six. The grandfather responds, "A retired grandfather will notice spelling error of his granddaughter on any page." This episode brings back memories of the early years of a journalist, when by-lines were highly sought for, particularly during the internship and traineeship years. What’s it about? The infamous "J Dey Murder Case" from 2011 is the subject of this movie. Jyotirmoy Dey, playing Jaideb Sen (Prosenjit Chatterjee), popularly known as "Commander J" in the Mumbai Underworld Crime Investigation. Jigna Vora transforms into Jagruti Pathak (Karishma Tanna), a ruthless