Those 21 days of nationwide silence, when everything was at standstill took many back in the time of partition. Even Anubhav Sinha's Bheed had mention of it in the 'uncensored' trailer. Bheed (crowd) is pegged on the migrant workers crisis during the time of Corona lockdown of 2020. After watching the movie, one would feel that a lot have not come on the platter as a product of Censor Boards' scissors. The entire movie has been shot in black and white with many gray areas that havent been covered out of the 'ban' fear. Rather than totally concetrating on the plight of migrants, the movie very smartly overpowers with casteism which has become convenient and acceptable by many over the period of time. Bheed’s story is by Sinha, with the script and discourses credited to Sinha, Saumya Tiwari and Sonali Jain. The film is set at the very launch of the lockdown when workers had just begun an en masse return to their villages and indeed the rich were floundering to come to terms with the un